Most of the time when one is doing research for a family tree, the first step is to locate documentation to provide an individual’s birth, marriage and death dates. Birth, marriage and death certificates can provide more information than just dates. Other information found in these documents could include the name of the individual’s parents and their place of residence. What sources might provide names of children or other family members? The attached document provides valuable information that can be used to uncover or confirm the names of family members. This deed was made on 1 April 1872. There is a long list of grantors: Mary S. Britton, Aaron Dean and Ruth his wife, Aaron D Britton and Mary E his wife, John D Britton and Mary L his wife, Voorhees S Rightmire and Mary his wife, and Catherine L Britton of the County of Middlesex. The grantee of the deed is Nathaniel Britton of the County and State of Middlesex, NJ. Cross-checking against other documents such as wills and probate records, US Federal and State Census records as well as obituaries provide evidence that the grantors and grantee listed in this deed were the wife, children and children-in-law of Dean Britton of Plainsboro. Other information that can be gleaned from deeds include the names of neighbors and the exact size, location and value of piece of property.
Join us at our “Growing a Family Tree” Memory Book Workshop to learn more tips to uncover your family’s story.